Practical learning

Cost effective education

PraLe’s goal is to create a cost-effective, education and learning efficiency-enhancing, and environmentally friendly education implementation model that enables practical skills to be practiced remotely, which improves everyone’s chances of getting education and degrees.


Students practice practical tasks using different techniques and technologies and using remote and network connections and that the trainer gives feedback on the exercise.

Best experiences

Gathering the best experiences from the combination of distance learning and teaching practical skills, and form a picture of the current level of distance education in Europe.

Core Competence

Pilot trainings are carried out utilizing new technology on 2-3 different core competence topics as remote and online implementation.

During the project, the project supports the introduction of innovative approaches and digital technologies in teaching and learning.


New practical learning and teaching methods

The Practical Learning at Remote in the Transport Sector (PraLe) project will test new practical teaching and learning methods in the transport profession. Testing harnesses the potential of digital technology in an innovative way that enables learning via remote and network connections.

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